Use these Turn Taking Goal Data Collection Forms to track your student’s IEP Goals. Use the visual supports to help your students learn the task of taking turns during a structured activity. Included are ways to adapt to your student’s individual needs (5 turns & 10 turns). Visual turn taking cards are included.
1. Turn Taking Data Collection Sheets
2. Turn Taking Strip (5 turns)
3. Turn Taking Strip (10 turns)
4. Turn Taking Cards (my turn, your turn)
5. Social Strip- “will you play with me?” cards
How to use this resource:
For students with special needs, turn taking can be difficult. In my classroom, I start off by teaching turn taking in a structured, small group setting (preferable myself and two students). I start with easy activities such as puzzles, matching activities, putting items into containers, and simple games to teach turn taking. I use visuals such as photos or name cards on a turn taking stirp to indicate whose turn it is. After each turn, the child takes off their photo or name card and puts it in an all down bin. Many of my students have turn taking IEP goals, so I use the data collection sheet to track progress for their goals. I also included a social strip and social story to help the students learn “how” to take turns. These skills need to be practiced frequently in a structured setting, before they will carry over to play time and more unstructured choice time.