Figuring out your student’s interests and motivations are key to helping them stay engaged and interested in learning. As a special education teacher, I see many disruptive behaviors daily. Figuring out the whys of the behaviors is always the first step. When it comes time for the interventions something that I have found to work is using my student’s favorite characters (spiderman, bluey, thomas the tank engine) or interests (animals, cars, trains) to motivate them to complete a variety of directives including transitioning, completing work tasks, rewards, etc.
How to use characters to motivate students
Step #1
Find out what your student’s interest is or favorite character
Step #2
Define what the behavior you are targeting (transitions, school behaviors, finding their cubby, walking in the hallway)
Step #3
Create the materials to use in the classroom.
Step #4
Find time to sit down with your student and “teach” them the skill using the character or interest. Model how to use the intervention and practice! I also make a copy to send home for the families to read with their child each day.
Step #5
Track data to see if the intervention is working or more supports are needed
- Here is an example of one of my social stories that I have used to reinforce positive behaviors in the classroom. He loves spiderman! SPIDERMAN SOCIAL STORY
- Waiting bins: use bins when student has difficulty waiting for the next activity and fill with favorite toys/characters
- Print pictures of favorite characters to have students hold to help with difficult transitions
- Tape favorite characters to a chair or cubby to help them identify their spot
- Incorporate favorite characters or interests into academic tasks such as file folders or hands-on activities (have spiderman count the number of spider webs)
Make it fun!
Learning can be fun by using your student’s favorite characters or interests in the classroom. My student’s have loved seeing their favorite toys and characters incorporated into our classroom. They have helped increase their motivation to complete learning activities, as well as replacing negative behaviors.
Find Resources Here
Here is a free social story that you can use in your classroom today! This social story is for students who are learning to be safe at school rules. You can use this social story or make your own with your student’s favorite characters.
Here are some additional resources I use with my special education students or check out my special education resources in my store: