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Back To School Alphabet Center Activities Preschool Special Education



Alphabet Letter Centers & Activities For Your Back To School Theme. Use in your preschool or special education classroom. You can make these activities into file folder games, work tasks, or use as printables in a center.

Included in this resource:

1. Letter Skills Assessment Data Sheet: Use to track letter and letter/sound id. skills throughout the school year.

2. Alphabet Letter Cards: use to assess letter knowledge or make a matching game.

3. Letter-sound game: students identify the ’s school supply’s beginning sound and then circle the correct number using a wipe-off marker or use as a worksheet. You can also have your students use a clothespin to put on the correct letter to work on fine motor skills.

4. Matching letter-sound game: Match the school materials with its corresponding beginning sound.

5. Match uppercase letters to lowercase letters.

All activities can be made into a work task or file folder for your class. Laminate, cut, and Velcro pieces to make into a task or use as a worksheet.

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