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Farm Animal Math Centers Counting & Identifying Numbers



Use these engaging farm themed math activities in your preschool or special education classroom to reinforce counting skills, number identification, and sorting (colors, size, and category).

Math Skills included:

* 1:1 correspondence

* Number identification cards

* Number counting mats

* Sort by color

* Sort by size

* Sort by category

* More/Less

* Math Skills Data Sheet


1. Math Skills Assessment Data Sheet: Use to track math skills throughout the school year.

2. Number Mats 1-10: use animal manipulatives or cutout animal pictures to match the correct number of animals to the number.

3. 1:1 Correspondence Counting 1-10: students count the animals and then circle the correct number using a wipe-off marker or use as a worksheet. You can also have your students use a clothespin to put on the correct number to work on fine motor skills.

4. Sort animals by color in a field of 4.

5. Sort animals by size using Big and Little Mats and Big and Little animals

6.Sort animals by category (zoo, farm, and sea animals)

7. More/Less: Count the animals and circle the ones that have more or less

All activities can be made into a work task or file folder for your class. Laminate, cut, and Velcro pieces to make into a task or use as a worksheet.