Need Teaching Ideas?

Gingerbread Man Centers, Games, & Circle Time Activities



Use these Gingerbread Men preschool circle time academic activities in your preschool or special education classroom in large groups, small groups, or partner work to reinforce following directions, colors, shapes, numbers, and counting. You can attach these cards to jumbo dice, foam cubes, or make your own mystery box using tissue boxes and have kids pull them out.


25 PDF Slides Printable

•Gingerbread Man cards sizes 3 inch to use on a jumbo dice, small Kleenex box, or mystery bag

•Roll a Gingerbread Man Color Game

•Roll a Gingerbread Man Shape Game (Color, B & W)

•Roll a Gingerbread Man Number Game (Color, B & W)

•Color Cards

•Shape Cards

•Number Cards (1-12)

•Counting Cards (1-12)


•Identify academic skills including, colors, shapes, and numbers 1-12

•Turn taking skills

•Following directions


Use for large and small groups to provide movement breaks. You can also use for partner work in pairs.

1. Play roll a gingerbread color or shape game. Attach gingerbread color/shape cards to jumbo dice or put in a mystery bag. Have students roll the dice or pick a card and then using the “roll a game” sheet, they can identify the colors/shapes and make a mark on the correct color/shape.

2. Play roll a gingerbread number game. Attach numbers or counting dots to the cube or mystery bag and play a game by rolling the cube and coloring the gingerbread with that number or make a mark on the correct number.