Bring Sensory Activities Indoors

The kids love playing in the sensory table at school. We have great big sensory tables for them to play with and it is one of their favorite activities. You can do this at home too (without the BIG mess!)   Here is a way to bring it to your home. Fill small containers with different types of sensory items you can buy at the grocery store- rice, pasta, beans, and cereal.  The possibilities are endless. I like the bins from the dollar store that have a lid. Fill the bin (less than half full) and add cups, spoons, and bowls. Try putting a tablecloth under the bins to lessen the mess or even play in the bath tub (without water) to contain the items.   I always tell students that if they throw the items or eat the items, then the sensory table will be closed. You can do the same with the small sensory bins. Give your child the rules before they begin playing. It’s a wonderful way to encourage sensory exploration. You can also hide shapes, letters, or numbers inside the sensory items to work on academic skills in a fun way! I store my small bins in a cabinet and have added photos to the outside of each bin so I know what’s inside. You can also make a choice board out of the options from the sensory bins to encourage communication. Take pictures of each sensory bin and put the photos on a large board. Then your child can “request” what they want to play with by pointing to or handing you the photo of their choice. Enjoy!

C:\Users\tracyjorgenson\Downloads\IMG_8656 (1).jpg
Rice Sensory Bin

C:\Users\tracyjorgenson\Downloads\IMG_8655 (1).jpg
Beans Sensory Bin

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