Back To School Math Centers For Preschoolers
Let’s talk about numbers! My preschool special education classroom students are working on learning numbers 1-10; identifying numbers, counting with 1:1 correspondence, and rote counting. This is an ongoing goal for my students, so with that in mind I have created simple math centers to reinforce these skills across different themes.
I like using the same structure to the activity my students are learning, so they can master the activity and then work on the skill. Each center is structured the same: number identification using dice or number cards, counting pictures and identifying the number using a clothespin or marker, and counting mats using pictures or objects to count the correct number shown.
By only changing the theme of the centers, my students are confident in the activity and can then focus on the actual skill. I also like to use these activities to work on turn-taking with peers and it helps when the students understand the activity.
Looking for more math center ideas? You can make your own with these ideas or check out my store on teacher pay teacher: This is Teaching
Happy Teaching!