Winter Activities, Stories, & Games for Preschool Special Education

Winter is here!  Snow, ice, lost gloves, you know the drill…we have lots of snow here and the kids love it!  Bringing the snow in the classroom in our sensory table is a favorite.  I have the kids put their gloves on and explore the snow.  They could stay forever.  I also made mini sensory bins filled with cotton balls for the kids to count, scoop, build, and explore.  


Some other activities I have been doing with my preschool special education classroom is playing games.   We are focusing on math this week, so the kids went ice fishing for magnetic  numbers and matched the correct number to their number mat.  Some of the children were able to fish for a number and then cover the correct number with a cotton ball or use a marker to circle the correct number.  


I read the kids an interactive Let’s Build A Snowman Book!  They loved building the snowman by adding the body parts and clothing to the snowman.  

We also read an interactive colorful snowman story reinforcing colors and following directions.  My students attend to the story so much better when they can participate in interactive stories.  

To reinforce winter vocabulary and winter themed academic skills, my students complete individual work time with file folder winter games and winter themed sensory bins filled with academic tasks.  

There are so many fun activities to bring into the classroom to reinforce the season of winter!  Stay warm!

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